
Theses on Protecting the Innocent in Wartime

The following is my attempt to clarify where I stand in this current moment in a way that avoids using political labels, for when someone inevitably asks me:

Thesis 1: Every human being is a child of God with infinite value, and therefore it is a moral evil when any child of God is killed.

Thesis 2: In a wartime situation, the children of God may be divided into three groups: First, there are aggressors, who are responsible moral agents, and intentionally contribute to violence. Second, there are non-combatants, who are responsible moral agents, but do not intentionally contribute to violence. Third, there are innocents, who are not responsible moral agents due to age and/or ability, and thus are not able to choose to contribute to violence.

Thesis 3: Depending on the situation, it MAY be a permissible lesser evil for aggressors to harm or kill other aggressors, especially when aggressors have attempted or enacted violence on innocents and non-combatants. It is ALWAYS a non-permissible greater evil for aggressors to harm or kill innocents and non-combatants. 

Thesis 4: To destroy the resources someone needs to live and thrive is a form of harm and violence.

Thesis 5: The intentional destruction of innocents and non-combatants, as well the resources they need to live, is a great evil we will label a “War Crime”. 

Thesis 6: The degree of the evil of the War Crime increases in proportion to the total number of innocents and non-combatants who are destroyed, and is multiplied in proportion to the percentage who are children. 

Thesis 7: A systematic program of War Crimes through wide-spread systematic and programmatic destruction of innocents and non-combatants is an awful moral evil we will label “Genocide”. 

Thesis 8: A fundamental moral commitment of persons of good will should be to stand against those who perpetuate War Crimes and Genocide, and to stand with the innocents and non-combatants who are targeted for War Crimes and Genocide.

These theses are expressed liturgically in a Prayer we have been using for the current war:

God of Peace and Lord of Love: We pray for those affected by the war in Gaza and Israel: That the innocent would be protected from harm and degradation, that leaders and combatants would turn away from violence, that weapons of war would be turned into instruments of peace, and that peace would reign in the hearts and the streets of all who live in Israel and Palestine. All this we ask for the sake of your Love. Amen.

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