Showing posts with label 14.Religions.Covenants. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 14.Religions.Covenants. Show all posts


The Incarnation and divine embodiments

The Truth of the unique top-down Kenosis of God who becomes incarnate in the person of Jesus of Nazareth does not need to be in conflict with the claims of Divinity in other spiritual paths. It can be true that the great Avatars and Bodhisattvas and Gurus and Saints are all bottom-up realizations of humans who experienced that they are one with God and one in God and that God lives through them. And it can still be uniquely true that the central Self of God— the Self who contains and imagines into being all other selves— that this Self has uniquely become a human self in Jesus. The many bottom-up realizations and the one top-down incarnation can all be expressive of the same truth: That the One Love has emptied themself to become many, so that all our many-ness can be realized and gathered up into One Love. The Love incarnate in Jesus is the Archetype of all of us, in whom we all participate, and toward whom we all journey. Just as an Archetype does not contradict copies of varying fidelity and perspective, but rather fulfills them all, so also the Incarnation does not contradict myriad divine embodiments, but rather fulfills them all. 


World Scripture: A Comparative Anthology of Sacred Texts

If you are a Religious Practitioner, Spiritual Person, Student of Theology, or just love understanding how people make sense of the world and their purpose in it, I have a resource for you!


The Particular Exclusiveness of Generic Deism

As a chaplain, there is a view I often run across among non-religious, college-educated folks in postmodern western culture that Christianity is scandalous in its particularity, and particularly offensive to non-Christian people. In particular, the Name of Jesus, the idea of the Trinity, and especially the cross and blood of Jesus are all stumbling blocks. Instead, it is often suggested that we omit or underplay language that includes Jesus, or the Trinity, or the cross, or other uniquely particular expressions of access to God through distinctly Christian means (such as the Eucharistic Prayer or the Lord's Prayer). 

Instead it is often preferred to substitute generic addresses to "The Divine", or simply "God", or even Western philosophical concepts such as "Ground of Being". This may be suggested with the idea that a more Generic Deist language will make God more "accessible": A general prayer to a general God or Divine, who has no particular story, nor any particular name or way of access, but which is accessible in a generic way by all methods and all names, as well as no methods and no names.


Imagining a Divine Covenant with Artificial Intelligence

What if God made a Covenant with Artificial Intelligence in a way similar to God's many Covenants with different groups of people in Scripture? As I was working with ChatGPT to summarize some teaching materials about the Covenants in the Bible, I asked it to speculate on what a Divine Covenant with AGI might look like based on the material we had compiled and edited. This is an edited transcript of what ChatGPT said as the result of several different prompts:


The Magi In My Life

This is an Epiphany sermon based in the story of the magi from
Matthew 2.1-11, as well as the Episcopal School of Dallas virtue of “Openness” for the month of February. In the Spirit of openness, I decided to give a sermon a little differently than I normally do. From a pulpit. I hope you will be open to this! Now if you are skeptical like me, you may wonder if openness is even a virtue, and if so, why is it important enough to devote a whole MONTH to it. Well, I am glad you asked!


Christ's Way and the ways of religion


For years I have been teaching on Global Religions and Comparative Theology, with a particular passion for talking about how Christ relates to world religions. I thought I would republish my class notes on how Christ relates to world religions, incorporating material from professor Keith Ward on a view called by many “Expansivism”. This updates my previous class notes on this subject found in the post Christ and the Religions.


Should we rethink the dates of the New Testament?

Recently, New Testament scholar Jonathan Bernier has put forth a powerful proposal about  "Rethinking the Dates of the New Testament". He shows that in the era of modern Biblical scholarship, there have been three basic kinds of dates proposed for the writing of the New Testament:


Weekly World Scripture Readings

From childhood you have known the sacred writings that are able to instruct you for salvation through the faithfulness which is in Christ Jesus. Every Scripture that is God-inspired is also useful for teaching, for correction, for restoration, and for training in justice, so that everyone who belongs to God may be proficient, equipped for every good work. [2Timothy 3.15-17]

This schedule of readings is designed to take the reader through the entire New Testament once per year, and the Old Testament (including the Hebrew Bible along with Christian Deuterocanonical literature) once every two years. This is a “weekly” reading plan instead of a “daily” reading plan, because with my schedule I often have no time to read for a day or two, and then a couple of hours for reading on another day. So, a weekly quota of reading works better for me. Also, I have arranged readings by theme or topic, instead of using Biblical order (which would put all of the Gospels in the first half of the year, while also disconnecting historical literature while reading through the Old Testament).

For instance, the New Testament readings start with John's Gospel and letters, which were chosen to begin the year because John intentionally echoes the creation narratives of Genesis. Then we read Luke’s Gospel and Acts, which tells the most well researched story of the early Jesus movement. Then we read most of Paul’s letters from earliest to latest, which give us an “inside account” of some of the stories in Acts. Then we read Mark and the letters of Peter, because of Mark’s traditional connection with Peter as the one who wrote his version of the Gospel. This is followed by Matthew’s Gospel and the writings and debates of the early Jewish Christian movement. We end with the writings of Paul commissioning the second generation of Church leaders, and then the final Victory of Christ over all evil in the book of Revelation.

For the Old Testament, odd-numbered years take us through the Torah, followed by Historical Literature, ordered from the oldest events depicted in the text, to the newest events (even though some books were written decades or centuries after the events they depict). In even-numbered years we read through the Psalms, Wisdom literature, and the Hebrew Prophets (ordered roughly from oldest written to newest). The New Testament readings average about 150 verses per week (usually 4-8 chapters) which is around 15-30 minutes read time. Old Testament readings average about 250-300 verses per week (usually 8-15 chapters) which is around 30-60 minutes read time.

In addition, after the Old Testament readings, there are optional readings from the major Scriptures of the world's largest and longest lasting Religions. Although some may find this odd to add to a Biblical reading plan, the study of the great Spiritual Paths of the world has deepened my walk with Jesus immeasurably. These texts help us gain basic fluency in the ways other cultures have pursued spiritual and ethical growth, and will help us understand the ideas and ideals of the Bible better by comparison and contrast with them. And in the words of the second century Church Father, Justin Martyr, we may even find “seeds of the Word” which Christ has planted in other Spiritual Paths to draw us to him.

Odd-numbered years will take us through foundational texts for Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism. Even-numbered years will take us through the basic texts of Taoism, Islam, and Sikhism. These World Scripture readings are chosen to be 15-30 minutes in length. 
In total, for Biblical readings and World Scriptures, the weekly read time will be 1-2 hours, and may be divided up throughout the week, or read all at one time. I often will read Scripture three times per week: One day for the New Testament and Vital Verses. Another day for the Old Testament readings of the week. And a final day for World Scripture readings. 

Finally, each week includes Scripture passages to meditate on and memorize which can be repeated aloud in about 30 seconds. Meditation here refers to focusing on Christ's presence in us by repeating a Divine Name, Prayer, or Scripture, over and over. These Scripture passages have been adapted to give us a focal point for meditation each week of the year. Using breathing prayer, we can use these as "arrow prayers" like the Jesus Prayer used in Orthodox Spirituality. Start by finding a meditative bodily position, whether seated or walking. Then repeat the Scriptural passage over and over as you breathe slowly. You may also use Prayer Beads or a Rosary to help you focus and keep track of your repetitions. The goal is to "treasure" these Truths, and store them deep within our self, so we become what we pray.

Regarding Scriptural Translations: I prefer Bible translations that include the entire Canon of Scripture, including the books which Jesus and Paul quoted, but Protestants have hidden away. Thus, I usually use the New Revised Standard Version [NRSV], the Common English Bible [CEB], or the New American Bible Revised Edition [NABRE]. For Hindu and Buddhist Scriptures, I am quite fond of Eknath Easwaran’s editions of the Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, and Dhammapada. In addition, if you want a readable modern compendium of the main Vedic texts, read Wendy Doniger's "Rig Veda" from Penguin Classics. Although translations abound for Chinese Scriptures, for the Confucian Analects (Lun Yu), I have found the translations by Edward Slingerland and Nicholas Tamblyn to be helpful. For the Tao Te Ching (Daodejing), I find the Penguin Classics translation helpful, and the paraphrase of Stephen Mitchell inspiring. Given how short the Tao readings are, it may be helpful to read both versions side-by-side. For the Quran, I often switch between the Oxford World Classics edition and Itani’s Quran in Modern English. And finally, for the Sikh tradition a very helpful, modern, and concise abridgment of the massive Guru Granth Sahib can be found in “Hymns of the Sikh Gurus” by Nikky-Guninder Kaur Singh.


Religious Fascination

I am fascinated by religion, and the process by which humans have created structures and norms and beliefs and practices which allow us to connect with the deepest aspects of who we are, the Source we come from, and the Destiny we are headed toward. I am fascinated by the sheer variety of rituals and art and foods and clothing through which people get glimpses of the Divine. I am fascinated by the constellations of overlapping and diverging beliefs about God and creation and humanity and final destiny. I am fascinated by the process of moral reasoning, through which ancient texts collide with contemporary experience to forge new paths into a (hopefully) better future. I am fascinated by how all of this intersects with our particular place in space and time, in the unfolding of history and culture, to form our sense of personal identity and collective destiny. But to truly study and embrace religion, we also have to embrace something like this insight from Acts:


Three Ways to teach World Scriptures

In the modern era, there seems to be two major ways of teaching Scripture: As Oracle and as Literature. The Oracle view treats one set of Scriptures as an entirely Divine product which overrules any human contribution to the text. The Literature view is the opposite. Scriptural texts are entirely human products, and any Divine involvement (if there is such a thing) must be bracketed and excluded to truly understand them. Note that these labels are my way of quickly labeling two trends I have found in my experience as a student and teacher of Scripture and Religious Studies. I don’t know if anyone else uses these labels, but I do know that the phenomena which these labels describe occurs all the time in religious studies classrooms across the Western world. 


Consumerism, Yoga, and Meditation

Over the last two decades there have been a vast number of studies which document the effectiveness of mindfulness and meditation on everything from emotional health to recovery from illness. This has been coupled with the rise of "The Mindfulness Industrial Complex" which packages Eastern spiritual practices for Western Corporate consumption. In the last couple of years, I have noted some really good thought pieces and video essays which analyze and critique these trends. I wanted to catalogue these critiques of Westernized forms of Eastern Spiritual practice, ranging from yoga to mindfulness to meditation, offer some of my own commentary on how Consumerism had adapted Eastern practices to its own ends, and suggest where we might go from here.

While I see immense value in Eastern spiritual practices and have incorporated several into my journey with Christ, my problem with Consumerized versions of Eastern Spirituality is threefold:


Visions of Ultimate Reality

Ultimate Reality and Visions of Truth
The goal of our spiritual journey is to explore what is True, pursue what is Good, and practice what is Beautiful. And this journey begins with the question: What is Truth? Some say that Truth resides in a Holy Book of some sort, or a set of infallible statements about Reality. Some claim Truth is found in an inner experience, while others say it is found in evidence gathered from our senses. And then we find great spiritual teachers, such as Krishna who says “no Truth is superior to me”, or Jesus who says “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life”. Despite all of the apparent differences, these visions of Truth share some commonalities: They assume we are part of a greater Reality. And we come to experience Reality, as it really is, through many ways. These ways include books, and our senses, and inner experiences, and relationships with others. Through these ways we find Truth when our inner self conforms to what is really Real, and we are brought into harmony with Ultimate Reality. And in history there are enlightened persons-- like Krishna and Buddha and Jesus-- who are so filled with Ultimate Reality that they claim to be living embodiments of Truth. 

So what is the greater Reality that we need to conform ourselves to, so we also can embody Truth? What is really Real in the world we experience? What is the Ultimate Reality which is beyond, or within, or underneath, the apparent reality we experience every day? 


Religion and Incarnation, Exclusivism and Inclusivism

In this short essay, I would like to fill out a few aspects of what it means to have an inclusivist vision of religions in relation to Jesus Christ, rather than an exclusivist or pluralist vision of religions. If these terms are new to you, or you wonder how I mean these terms, I have a helpful chart here. As our starting point to dive in, I want to begin with one of the unique and central images of Christian Faith: The idea that Christians make up "The Body of Christ".


A Theology of Jesus and Aliens

I recently got into a discussion with someone about the growing evidence that our planet has been visited by Extraterrestrial Beings for some time now. My friend speculated that perhaps God and Jesus and Muhammad and Buddha could have been aliens. He ended his statement with "one thing is certain, Earth isn't special enough to be the only planet that has life. Not even close."

I have written bits and pieces about this in other places, speculating about how aliens could be tied into Christian Theology and World Religions (if aliens exist at all). I have speculated about how alien life could tie into an overall framework to understand why God made the world, as well as how alien life might be part of the evidence for God's existence. But I have never written a full description of why I think aliens probably exist, and how we might understand their possible visitation to our planet. That is what I would like to do here.


Following Jesus without God?

As many who read this blog know, I am a Christian priest who serves as a school chaplain and head of religious studies at an Episcopal Middle and Upper School (grades 6-12). My position shares a great many commonalities with being a parish priest. For instance, I am the "village vicar" and pastoral presence for nearly 600 students and staff, and their families as well. But there are significant differences too. Chief among them is the fact that my parish not only includes Episcopal Christians, but also Catholics, Orthodox, and Protestants of every stripe, and every variety from Nominal to Committed to Conservative to Liberal. But not only does it include a broad spectrum of Christians, but my parish includes Muslims and Jews, Hindus and Buddhists, and many who Secular and even Atheist.


Eyes to see

If you don't believe

In the East's endless cycle of Samsara
In the West's Fall into Original Sin
In Nietzsche's Eternal Return

Watch TV's talking heads
Read your news feed
Stand in line at the DMV

And you will know

Precious few claims in religion
Can be subjected to empirical proof
Repeated, observable, concrete

But this is at the head
Of that short list
Of universal human experiences

If you have eyes to see.


Holy Crap

This is a poem inspired by Philippians 3.8 and it is not for the easily offended. So if you are easily offended, please read something else. With that said, here we go…


Do Christians and Muslims worship the same God?

I see this question a great deal on the interwebs, lots of people ask me my educated opinion, and there are dozens or hundreds of books written about this. Yet most people are not going to read those books, but they might read a short, under two minute write up. So, as a Christian priest who believes in the Trinity and follows Jesus as God incarnate, and who also serves as a chaplain at a school with many Muslim families, and also teaches World Religions year after year, here is my answer:


Christ and the Religions

2023 UPDATE: Over the past couple of years I have expanded the category of "Inclusivism" found here to incorporate a view from Keith Ward called "expansivism". The updated material can be found at: Christ's Way and the ways of religion.

Recently I did a teaching on three ways of relating the universal Love of God to the particular work of Christ in a pluralistic culture: Exclusivism, Pluralism, and Inclusivism.

For Christians, these three ways of relating Christ to world religions is based on our understanding of what the Incarnation of Christ accomplished, and how we read the Biblical texts that point to this Incarnation event. As we read the Bible, a Key Interpretive Question is this: Which set of texts are given primacy in interpretation? Will we allow texts of limitation to interpret and restrict texts of universal Love and Salvation, or will we allow the universal texts to expand and fulfill the horizon of the texts of exclusion and limitation?
This is a bunch of incoherent babble to make us think hard about our incredible love affair with the God of the universe, our astounding infidelities against God, and God's incredible grace to heal and restore us through Christ. Everything on this site is copyright © 1996-2023 by Nathan L. Bostian so if you use it, please cite me. You can contact me at natebostian [at] gmail [dot] com