Theology, Ethics, and Spirituality centered on the Trinity and Incarnation, experienced through Theosis, in Sacramental Life, leading to Apokatastasis, explored in maximally inclusive ways. And other random stuff.
Metric Maladies: The Disease of elevating Quantity over Quality
Theses on Protecting the Innocent in Wartime
The Many Loves of the Love of God
When we speak of the Love of God, or praise God for God's Loving-Kindness, we are remembering that above all, God is Love. But this Love is not merely the feeling we tend to associate with liking something a great deal, such as when we say "I love this coffee" or "I love that activity". Rather, we mean that God's Love is something deep and active, constantly working for the abundant life and flourishing of those God loves. In short, it is Love operative in sacrificial acts of kindness: Loving Kindness. Many Scriptural words and concepts fill out what this Divine Loving-Kindness means.
Love and Apocalypse
The Metaphysics of Materialism
The Ethics of Lesser Evils and Greater Goods
Is Love stronger than hate?
Where Freedom and Determinism Meet
John Seven Twenty Four
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Scripture
God Insists
Diversity, Inclusion, Equity, and Episcopal Identity
Glimpses of the Sacred
Sam Harris’ Monstrous Moral Landscape
Remember This
Mirrors and Mimics
Sapiens, Evolution, and Wrath of Khan
A couple of years back I read Yuval Harari’s book Sapiens. Great read. On one hand, I am completely on board with his evolutionary metaphysic. I think part of our Divine nature is to evolve more fully into the potential God has placed within us by making us "in God's image". This is actually a fairly common reformed Jewish and secular Jewish viewpoint (cf. Erich Fromm's 1966 book "You Shall Be as Gods: A Radical Interpretation of the Old Testament"). I've also written and preached this idea. I even embrace much of what Harari says about Transhumanism as the immediate goal of human self-evolution. And there are Christian theologians such as Keith Ward and Ted Peters who have a fairly robust acceptance of Transhumanism as well. After all, I figure my great grandchildren will all be cyborgs, and it doesn’t actually worry me that much.
But what bothered me was in chapter 12...
When Words Fail
How both Theistic and Nontheistic language fails to describe Ultimate Reality
In the constant back and forth between Theists and Nontheists, one of the frequent criticisms hurled from both sides regards the problem of language. Both sides claim that that other side slides into nonsensical or tautological language that fails to say anything about Reality. At some point, each side gets to ideas that are so foundational, so axiological, to their interpretive framework, that all they can say is "it is what it is".
A Poem for a Pandemic
All across the world right now
People are feeling what you feel
Love one another
With anxiety for the future
And worry for their loved ones
Love one another
With boredom and cabin fever
Which grows deeper as time grows longer
Love one another
With dismay at empty shelves
Empty streets and empty shops
Love one another
With prayers for the wellbeing of their families
And supplications for those who are sick
Love one another
With unexpected childcare and meals to fix
And cries of “Why can’t we go out?!?”
Love one another
With a flinch at every cough
And hesitation when a chill is felt
Love one another
With trepidation at unpaid bills
And terror at missing paychecks
Love one another
With waiting waiting waiting
And worrying worrying worrying
Love one another
With this Litany we address the Lord of Life
Who reminds us again and again
Love one another