Today is called "Good" Friday
Let us take a moment of silence and remember
Jesus has been murdered on a cross
Jesus has been murdered in a concentration camp
Jesus has been murdered by a terrorist machete
Jesus has been murdered by the Mother of all Bombs
Jesus has been murdered by Sarin gas
Jesus has been murdered by systematic starvation in an underdeveloped country
Jesus has been murdered by a preventable childhood disease
Jesus has been murdered on the Trail of Tears
Jesus has been murdered on a transatlantic slave ship
Jesus has been murdered in a refugee camp
Jesus has been murdered as a sex slave trying to runaway
Jesus has been murdered in Jerusalem and in Flint and in Syria and in Wounded Knee and in Sudan and in Iraq and in Ferguson and in Yemen and in Auschwitz and in Hiroshima
Jesus has been murdered by hatred and by apathy, by neglect and by oppression, by overt acts of terror and by looking the other way
After all, didn't Jesus say "What you have done to the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you have also done to me"?