Showing posts with label Poetry.and.Proems. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poetry.and.Proems. Show all posts


Love and Apocalypse

There appears to be a contradiction 
"Love one another
As I have loved you"
"He will come again in glory
To Judge the living and dead"

How do we resolve the yawning chasm
Between Love
And Apocalypse?

Anyone who has ever truly loved
Sacrificially loved
Loved despite the odds
Despite the failures
Despite the future
Anyone who has loved like that
Like Jesus loved
Will tell you that Love brings an apocalypse

Love does not sooth
Nor lull to sleep
It rends apart space and time
To reveal the reality behind the masks
The disease behind the smile
And that kind of Love
Pisses people off
Causes fear and hatred
And can even get you crucified

Love will struggle
Love IS Apocalypse
Love brings the old world to an end
And gives birth to a new world
We never could have imagined.


Twas the Night Before Christmas, Gym Edition

Twas the Night before Christmas and all through the gym
Every lifter was repping to get swole or get thin
The Weightlifters snatched and cleaned with great care
Crossfitters did muscle-ups and thrusters into the air
Strongwomen flipped tires and atlas stones over bars
As Powerlifters benched, squatted, and deadlifted PRs
Bodybuilders put their dumbbells neatly in rows
For endless drop-sets to feel the pump as they grow
When what to their wondering eyes did appear
But Jacked Santa Claus dragging exhausted reindeer 
He farmer-carried Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, and Vixen!
And repped Rudolph, Comet, Cupid, Donner, and Blitzen!
Everyone was shocked at the six pack in his belly
"We thought that you jiggled, like a bowl full of jelly!"
Santa then replied with his loud booming voice
"One day I realized that my health was my choice
So I learned how to get ripped, strong, muscular, and mobile
Like a supple leopard, sleek, powerful, and noble.
I had the elves build a gym, and learn about nutrition
To keep me always in peak gift-delivery condition.
I traded in cookies and milk for vitamins and whey.
I drink gallons of water and 200 grams of protein per day.
So throw some plates on the bar and then let's train
Merry Christmas to all, may you all make great gains!"


Proems and Poetry

I am singularly non-spectacular in the poetry I write, and spectacularly obscure and meandering in the prose I write (hence the name of this nearly 20 year old blog: nate's INCOHERENT babble). Thus it was recently that I realized I often combine the two mediocre art forms I enjoy— prose and poetry— into one meta-mediocre art form: The proem. 

The proem is a poem that is far too didactic and expositional to be enjoyable, with far too little connective tissue and logical linkages and tedious footnoting to be taken seriously as an essay. Thus, a proem is a merger of two insignificant art forms into one truly trivial art form.

So, I have created a new category of blog: Poetry and Proems. Enjoy, if you enjoy that kind of thing.


John Seven Twenty Four

“Do not judge by appearances...”

Let not popularity or power beguile you 
Do not look at self promotion or propaganda
Don’t be fooled by masks or makeup 
Or the sly salesmanship of snake oil sellers
Confusion is their strategy
False promises their bait
For they whisper what you want to hear in one ear
While their fingers pick your pockets

“But judge with right judgment.”

There is a standard we stand or fall before
There is a justice to which we are accountable
There is a Love who wants the best for all her children
There is eternal Beauty, Truth, and Goodness
That calls us home
And our judgments must point in that direction
Or they will direct us to destruction 

(A Meditation on John 7:24) 


A Post Pentecost Poem

We Christians love to affirm:
Semper Reformanda!
Always reformed
Always reforming!
Until that reformation
Reforms the way we read the Bible
Reforms the kinds of families we approve
Reforms our understanding of how God made us
Through the unfolding dance of evolution
Reforms the ways patriarchy and hierarchy 
Have silenced and sidelined
Women and Queers and Outsiders
So we can at last hear Christ
Speak through them!
When Reformation reforms too much
We cling to Tradition
To keep the boundary stones
Firmly in place
In place...


God is...

The undeconstructable Love 
Which shines as a Light 
In the darkness
Calling us to unfurl 
Beckoning us to grow 
Into our fullest and best selves


Speed Wobble

You know that feeling
When you are cruising down a hill
On a skateboard
Or maybe a scooter or bike
And you get going
And faster
And faster
Until you are far beyond
Your ability to steer?


Glimpses of the Sacred

Where is holiness to be found?
Where are the thin places
The fjords between
This shore and that Great Beyond?
Where is the fabric of reality
Most easily rent 
To reveal the Ultimate Reality
Behind the curtain of space and time?


All Yang no yin

Proclaim Hope and you are adored. 
Explain despair and you are ignored. 
Preach Meaning and be applauded. 
Examine meaninglessness and be criticized. 


Durkheim’s Ghost

At this time of social distance, 
We need shared rituals 
Now more than ever
Even if they are shared 
At a distance 
Over an internet connection 
Or in a choppy livestream. 
In an age of 
We have very few communal rituals 
To bind us together
To remind us
No one is an island
Separate from the main. 
And the ersatz rituals we do have
Seek to monetize us
Commodify the experience 
For passive consumption 
As a lifestyle product: 
A sportsball game 
A lackluster blockbuster
A concert of prerecorded audio loops. 
So let us embrace 
The communal
The collective
The old fashioned
The traditional
The ritual
The participatory 
As an act of resistance 
Against the totalitarian hedonism 
We are immersed in
And the nihilistic anomie 
It inspires.  


A Mediation on James Three

Words are a gift
An intimate gift
A holy gift
From the Word
Through the words
By our words 
We are invited 
To climb into someone else’s soul
To think their thoughts alongside them
To see through their eyes
To feel with their heart
To imagine their imaginations
And dream their dreams
Such is the sacred power of words. 
And yet we live in World
Deaf to words
And blind to the Word
Because we spew words frantically and frenetically 
We fire them like bullets to slay our enemies
We use words to lure and trap and ensnare
We prostitute our words
We whore them out for power and praise
We use them to manipulate and infiltrate
And desecrate
The Temple of the Soul
Using our many many many words
For anything
For everything 
Except communication and communion
Our use of words is to the Gift of the Word
What pornography is to the Marriage Bed. 
Words are a gift
Words are a weapon
Words are a tool
Words are a lure
Words can be signposts 
Pointing to the creative Word of Love and Light
Or they can be directions
Leading us to the depths of Hell
So take care how you use them. 
A poem on the occasion 
Of my 500th post to this blog
May my words be part of the solution
And not part of the problem


28 Summers

28 summers ago I fell in love with Jesus
Not all at once
But a growing awareness
Starting with a desperate deal
Heal my life Jesus!
And I will live that life for you!
Little did I know what that would entail
But Jesus was faithful when I was faithless
And so unfolding over several months
This new love became real
Until one late night
On a Christmas break
At a Taco Bell
I knew I belonged to Jesus
Deep down in my gut
And it wasn’t just bean and cheese tacos talking. 


The Most Damnable Reason

The most damnable reason for existing 
Is to be liked. 

Mirrors and Mimics

We are mirrors and mimics: 

What has been done to us, 
We will do to others. 
What we do to others, 
Will be done to us. 

So to create the kind of world we want to live in, 
It becomes imperative 
We heed the ancient mundane ethical truism: 
Always do to others 
What you would have them do to you: 


Mundane Mysticism

Why do we look for a Divine Realm 
Of depth and richness 
Beyond the elaborately embroidered world 
We live and move and exist within? 
Why do we long for a heaven 
Outside of earth? 


The Sacrament of Imagination

An abnormal Sunday approaches
When Church pews normally filled
Lie dormant and desolate
As the faithful search for ways
To fill the void
In their schedule 
And in their hearts


A Poem for a Pandemic

All across the world right now
People are feeling what you feel

Love one another

With anxiety for the future
And worry for their loved ones

Love one another

With boredom and cabin fever
Which grows deeper as time grows longer

Love one another

With dismay at empty shelves
Empty streets and empty shops

Love one another

With prayers for the wellbeing of their families
And supplications for those who are sick

Love one another

With unexpected childcare and meals to fix
And cries of “Why can’t we go out?!?”

Love one another

With a flinch at every cough
And hesitation when a chill is felt

Love one another

With trepidation at unpaid bills
And terror at missing paychecks

Love one another

With waiting waiting waiting
And worrying worrying worrying

Love one another

With this Litany we address the Lord of Life
Who reminds us again and again

Love one another 

This is a bunch of incoherent babble to make us think hard about our incredible love affair with the God of the universe, our astounding infidelities against God, and God's incredible grace to heal and restore us through Christ. Everything on this site is copyright © 1996-2023 by Nathan L. Bostian so if you use it, please cite me. You can contact me at natebostian [at] gmail [dot] com