
A Litany for Protests

Since I cannot make it to any of the vigils or protests this weekend that are seeking justice for George Floyd and other black men and women who have been murdered lately, I decided to do the only other thing I am good at: Write and pray. The following is a Litany to pray for the protests across the country. I would humbly as you to pray with me if you feel comfortable, using these words or words of your own.

For those standing for justice for all and equal protection under the law, who cry out for the oppressed, and who speak for those who have no voice. 
Lord of Love, empower them. 

For those gathering in peace to protest the abuse of your children, who speak truth to power, and who seek to turn the unjust systems of this sinful world upside down.
Lord of Love, unify them.

For those who would disrupt peaceful protest with violent action or provoke others to violence, who would sow seeds of dissent and misinformation among the people, and who would frame sincere protesters as violent or unreasonable.
Lord of Love, hinder them.

For those who have forgotten the torture and murder visited upon black men and women, both the old and the young, in secret and in public, across American History and right now in our country.
Lord of Love, remind them.

For those who do not see the systemic exclusion and oppression that your children face, and who do not understand that, because each and every life matters to you, then black lives matter to us all.
Lord of Love, enlighten them.

For those in positions of power, who wear badges and administer justice, that they would take seriously their responsibility before you, and be diligent to respect the dignity of every human being.
Lord of Love, guide them.

For the institutions that uphold each community, the businesses that serve each community, and the churches, synagogues, mosques, temples, and outreach agencies that serve each community.
Lord of Love, supply them.

For those who have suffered at the hands of unjust officials, who have lost loved ones to senseless violence, and who long for accountability and vindication.
Lord of Love, heal them.

For those who would speak as apologists for a corrupt system, or who act as brakes on the wheels of justice, or who agitate for status quo power arrangements to persist in taking away the voice of the oppressed.
Lord of Love, silence them.

For those who are inconvenienced by protests or offended by protestor demands, that this would trigger them to question the system and their complicity in it, rather than resent those who are courageous enough to cause discomfort.
Lord of Love, direct them.

For those of us who have cooperated with injustice passively, who have allowed prejudice and hate and apathy and fear to infect us secretly, and who have failed to speak up when we had the chance.
Lord of Love, reform us.

For both the oppressors and the oppressed, for those on the wrong side of history, and for those trying to create a brighter future, that we would all find a way to mend the fabric of our society, and strive together for the common good.
Lord of Love, reconcile us all.

A Concluding Prayer:

God of Infinite Love, who shares eternal life within yourself as Father and Son and Spirit: Help us to embrace the diversity of cultures and genders and beliefs we share within our society, just as you embrace the diversity you share within yourself as three Persons united in care and concern and compassion.

You are a diverse God of Community who has made us in your image as a diverse people in Community. Help us to see your Life in one another, and to love each other as Christ has loved us, by giving himself as an offering and sacrifice, that we all may find healing and hope.

May we ceaselessly stand against attitudes of prejudice, systems of oppression, and actions that bring death and destruction to your children. And may you bring justice for victims and their families, even as you bring reconciliation and healing in our society.

And grant that those responsible for enforcing justice may always be keenly aware of the responsibility they bear before you, O Judge of All, and always careful to ensure consequences are proportionate to the danger involved, and never heavy handed nor prejudicially implemented.

And finally, may we always remember that when we embrace the other, we embrace you; When we serve the last and the least, we serve you; And when we say NO to death and destruction and hatred and fear and ignorance, we are saying YES to life and love and healing and hope and wisdom in Christ. For it is in his Name that we ask all of these things. 

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This is a bunch of incoherent babble to make us think hard about our incredible love affair with the God of the universe, our astounding infidelities against God, and God's incredible grace to heal and restore us through Christ. Everything on this site is copyright © 1996-2023 by Nathan L. Bostian so if you use it, please cite me. You can contact me at natebostian [at] gmail [dot] com