A Sermon For Year A, Epiphany 3
Copyright © 2007 Nathan L. Bostian
Based on 1 Corinthians 1:10-17; Matthew 4:12-23; Psalm 139
You know, in my line of work, one of the questions that frequently gets asked of me is "Where do I find God?" It may be asked many different ways.
Some may say "I just feel so distant from God. I wish he was closer. I wish I knew where to find him."
Another may say "I want to know how this God-stuff is relevant to my life. I don't get the whole Christianity thing."
Yet another may say "What does God want from my life? I keep asking for direction, but it seems like nothing happens."
The question comes in a thousand varieties, but at the core there is a similar reality: There is a hunger for God, and awareness that God SHOULD be there... But at the same time there is a profound awareness of God's absence.