Just some sayings I have come to love at this point in my life and ministry...
Love 'em all, let God sort 'em out!
God loves you more than that...
Christmas is nice, but
Let's put CHRIST
back in christians!
whatever you do, do NOT think about jesus christ.
jesus is for loosers...
we're all loosers...
to hell with your fascist barbie doll beauty standards!
jesus makes you beautiful.
you are what you worship.
what do you worship?
imperfect. flawed. needy. hurting. sinner.
loved. redeemed. treasured. cherished. child of god.
jesus is a just crutch for weak people...
...and he is waiting for us all to realize we are weak people.
christians are all hypocrites
and we have room for one more... so join us.
the bible is irrational, confusing, and contradictory...
that makes it the perfect guide to help us through an irrational, confusing, contradictory world.
an apathetic christian
is a pathetic Christian.
porn is slavery...
if you don't believe it, just try to stop watching it for a month.
mass marketing is making you a slave...
if you don't believe it, just try to stop watching t.v. for a month.
be a true rebel... throw away your television set.
be a real non-conformist... say no to mass marketing
i am a person
not just a body
so look me in the eyes.
American Religion:
- my family doesn't have time for god... we worship our child's extra-curricular activities!
- i don't have time for god... i worship at the altar of success!
- don't ask what you can do for jesus... ask what jesus can do for you!
- i am the god of my own universe. really.
jesus is ironic.
when god made man and woman he did not consult mtv, maxim, cosmo, playboy, or victoria's secret
jesus makes you beautiful
I'm an aatheist
do you know who you are?
ask me about jesus.
The difference between what you think you believe
And what you really believe
Is shown in how you live
men - women - children - teenagers - the unborn - the elderly - gays - straights - christians - nonchristians - atheists - hindus - buddhists - muslims - black - brown - red - yellow - white - pink - the poor - the rich - the stupid - the smart - pretty folks - ugly folks - skinny - fat - liberals - conservatives - fundamentalists - random acts of mercy and love - probably some politicians and lawyers - the person in this shirt - and...
Yes! I am the most smartest person alive!